After careful review of our dangerous goods acceptance policies, American decided to suspend its acceptance of lithium ion batteries UN3480, Sections IA, IB & II, Packing Instruction 965, starting on April 15, 2015. This change does not impact shipments with batteries tendered as UN3481 or UN3091, which includes batteries packed with or contained in equipment.
Please ensure that any shipments tendered under these standards also comply with all applicable rules and provisions published in the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations.
As always, our primary concern when transporting dangerous goods is safety for passengers, employees, shipments and the environment. If you have additional questions, please contact your sales representative.
For more details, please refer to the Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) 16004 issued by the FAA.
*Please note, according to the FAA, lithium ion batteries produced by Braille Battery, Inc. are not properly tested nor shipped in accordance with appropriate regulations. Therefore, American will not accept shipments from Braille Battery of Sarasota, FL., whether tendered directly or from a forwarder.