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Argentina Customs Requirements


Effective April 15, 2015, the following two (2) pieces of information will be required by Argentina Customs for all shipments terminating or transiting through EZE. This information must be noted on the MAWB and the HAWB for consolidated shipments arriving on and after April 15, 2015. American will be unable to accept shipments bound for Argentina without these pieces of information included in the origin documents.

CUIT Number - 11 numeric character Consignee ID Number
  • Located in the Consignee portion of the AWB
  • Ex. CUIT 01234567890
  • Also known as Consignee VAT number
HCC code - Harmonized Commodity Code
  • Only first 4 digits is required by Customs
  • Ex. 4901 (printed books)
  • If shipment is a consolidated shipment, an HCC is required for each HAWB
  • Is also referred to as the HTS or HS or HSC code
Shippers are responsible for including this information in the origin documents

Example of Customs form

Key Points

  • Information is required for all shipments sent to Argentina
  • CUIT and HCC must be included in the air waybill information
  • New requirements effective for shipments arriving or transiting through EZE on and after April 15, 2015
  • Contact your local Sales Representative for additional assistance

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