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American Airlines to end service to TLV January 2016


Effective January 2016, American Airlines will no longer operate nonstop service between Philadelphia (PHL) and Ben Gurion Airport (TLV) in Tel Aviv, Israel. Although the route has been a source of pride for American since 2009, the route has operated year-round for six years and has yet to turn a profit. The final flight to Israel from PHL will be on January 4, 2016, with the last return flight departing Tel Aviv for PHL on January 5, 2016. Customers will still be able to access TLV through our joint business and codeshare partners.

Key Points

  • American Airlines will no longer offer service between PHL and TLV starting in January of 2016
  • Customers will still have access to TLV through our joint business partner, British Airways, through London or through our codeshare relationship with El Al, via our European gateways, such as London, Paris, Madrid and Frankfurt

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