Liability, Claims & Insurance

Our goal is to always provide the best service possible.

In the unfortunate event a shipment is lost, damaged or destroyed, we may be considered liable for specific amounts in regards to the value of your shipment. The back of your air waybill has specific and detailed information on the liability and valuation of your shipment while in American Airlines Cargo's possession.

Submit a claim ยป

Submitting a claim

We're confident in our service, but in the event that your shipment gets lost or damaged, you can submit a claim at the link above.

A few notes about completing the claim form:

  • There are a variety of time limits for filing a claim, depending on the type of claim you submit. A full list of time limits can be found on the Conditions of Contract.
  • Attach up to eight (8) documents, including invoices, supporting information or photos pertinent to your claim.

Once we receive your claim, we will investigate and provide a final resolution within 30-60 days. If we need more information to support your claim at any time during our investigation, we will reach out and contact you.

To check on the status of your claim during the investigation, you can contact

*Please note any appeal regarding your claim must be made within 30 days.

Get proof of delivery

To receive written proof of delivery on a specific shipment, for U.S./Canada origin AWBs, fill out the Proof of Delivery Request Form and send with a $35.00 USD check or money order per AWB, payable to American Airlines, to the following address:

American Airlines
Cargo Revenue Accounting
Imaging Department
PO Box 619616
MD HDQ 4428
DFW Airport, TX 75261-9616

For all other origin AWBs, please contact your local sales office.

Liability and insurance information

Service guarantees
Learn more

At American Airlines Cargo, we stand behind our family of flight specific products. Therefore, in the event that your shipment does not travel on its booked flight, due to circumstances within our control, we offer the following guarantees:

  • Priority Parcel Service – Service claims on U.S. domestic and international PPS shipments are eligible for refunds up to 25% of line haul (excluding service charges and fees).
  • ExpediteFS – Service claims are eligible for refunds up to 25% of line haul (excluding service charges and fees).

No refund will be paid if the delay was caused by weather conditions, mechanical delay of the aircraft, termination, diversion, postponement or delay of any flight because of force majeure, strikes, riots, civil commotion, international conditions, any government regulations, order demand or requirement, shortage of labor, fuel facilities or labor difficulties or for any other reason beyond American Airlines' control. For full details, see American Airlines Cargo Rules and Regulations.

Priority Parcel Service liability and excess valuation
Learn more
U.S. domestic shipments (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands)

If no declared value is listed on the air waybill by the shipper, American Airlines Cargo's liability will not exceed the lesser of fifty (50) cents per pound of chargeable weight or the amount of any damages actually sustained.

Minimum/maximum liability

The minimum liability is $50 USD however; in no case will American Airlines Cargo's liability exceed the actual value of the goods shipped. The maximum liability for domestic and international (except Canada) PPS shipments is $1,500. For shipments between points in the U.S. and Canada the maximum liability is $1,000.

International shipments

If no declared value is listed on the air waybill by the shipper, American Airlines Cargo's liability shall not exceed the lesser of 26 Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) per kilogram of actual scale weight for international shipments or the amount of any damages actually sustained. When declaring a value for Customs purposes, the maximum allowed for U.S. imports is $1,250 USD and for U.S. exports is $2,500 USD.

Declaring a higher value (excess valuation)

Higher value may be declared on the entire shipment or for individual pieces of a shipment.

Excess valuation may be purchased for fifty (50) cents per $100 USD and any fraction thereof, over American Airlines Cargo's standard liability, up to a maximum of $1,000 USD for shipments between U.S. and Canada or $1,500 for all other destinations, plus 6.25 percent tax.

When declared for the entire shipment:

  • If the entire shipment is lost, damaged or destroyed, the liability is the declared value, but not less than $50 USD or the actual value of the shipment, whichever is lower.
  • If only a part of the shipment is lost, damaged or destroyed, the liability is the average declared value per pound of the shipment multiplied by the number of chargeable pounds (scale pounds for international) of piece affected, but not less than $50 USD, the actual value of the affected pieces, or the amount of any damages actually sustained, whichever is lower.

When declared only for separate pieces of a shipment:

  • If the piece(s) are lost, damaged or destroyed, the liability is the declared value of the piece(s), but not less than $50 USD, the actual amount of damage sustained, or the actual value of the piece, whichever is lower.
ExpediteFSSM and ConfirmedFSSM liability, excess valuation and insurance
Learn more
U.S. domestic shipments (including Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands)

If no declared value is listed on the air waybill by the shipper, American Airlines Cargo's liability will not exceed the lesser of fifty (50) cents per pound of chargeable weight or the amount of any damages actually sustained.

International shipments

If no declared value is listed on the air waybill by the shipper, American Airlines Cargo's liability for shipments will not exceed the lesser of 26 Special Drawing Rights (SDR's) per kilogram of actual scale weight for international shipments or the amount of any damages actually sustained.

Declaring a higher value (excess valuation)

Higher value may be declared on the entire shipment or for individual pieces of a shipment. Excess valuation may be purchased for fifty (50) cents per $100 USD and any fraction thereof, over American Airlines Cargo's standard liability, up to a maximum of $500,000 USD, plus 6.25 percent tax.

When declared for the entire shipment:

  • If the entire shipment is lost, damaged or destroyed, the liability is the declared value, but not less than $50 USD or the actual value of the shipment, whichever is lower.
  • If only a part of the shipment is lost, damaged or destroyed, the liability is the average declared value per pound of the shipment multiplied by the number of chargeable pounds (scale pounds for international) of piece affected, but not less than $50 USD, the actual value of the affected pieces, or the amount of any damages actually sustained, whichever is lower.

When declared only for separate pieces of a shipment:

  • If the piece(s) are lost, damaged or destroyed, the liability is the declared value of the piece(s), but not less than $50 USD, the actual amount of damage sustained, or the actual value of the piece, whichever is lower.


  • The maximum excess valuation for animal shipments is $1,500.00 USD.
  • Extraordinary High Value items may have excess valuation coverage purchased for seventy-five (75) cents per $100 USD (and any fraction thereof) over American Airlines Cargo's standard liability, up to a maximum of $500,000 USD, plus 6.25 percent tax. They may be shipped using ConfirmedFS or ExpediteFS. Please see High Value Items for a further description.
Shipper insurance

Insurance is not required and is available for international American Airlines Cargo shipments only. Shipper's Interest Insurance may be purchased through American Airlines for seventy-five (75) cents per $100 USD plus 6.25 percent tax. The insurance is subject to a minimum of $3.25 USD (which covers up to $500 USD) and a maximum of $3,000 USD (which covers up to $500,000 USD). Fractions of $100 USD of coverage purchased are rounded to the next $100 USD. Insurance is available for shipments tendered on international air waybills only and for most commodities.


  • Animals
  • High value
  • Perishables
  • Human remains