Company Agreement

By registering for access to, you will gain access to information and features not available to the general public.

Sign up, assign or replace a Super Administrator »

Sign and assign in one form

The sensitive nature of information available on our website requires a certain level of security be maintained, even within your own company. Therefore, a person of authority (e.g. Manager, Owner, President, etc.) must designate someone to serve as "Super Administrator". The Super Administrator will be responsible for:

  • Creating and maintaining User IDs and access levels for your employees
  • Determining which of your company's PAL numbers each User can access when making bookings or tracking shipments
  • Assigning billing accounts for Users to view, approve and/or pay invoices online

Complete the Company Agreement form to identify this key person within your organization. Once the information has been processed we will contact you or your designated Super Administrator to provided the information needed to login to and assign access to the rest of your operation.

Three user types on

Thank you for your interest in the secure portion of It’s important to remember that this area can contain sensitive company information, such as complete shipment details. That’s why we have developed a process so you can designate who is allowed access. By doing so, gives you complete control of all your sensitive information.

Super Administrator



System-wide ability within their company to establish and expand the authority of Administrators, set up Users, enable/disable Users and reset all passwords. Authority to create and determine access levels for Users within a set of shipping locations for their company, typically on a regional level. Access to view shipment information associated with specific locations.

Understanding users

Discover user types, account management and permissions.

User guide (PDF) »

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